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So-Cal Beach

C-Bus Buckeyes

C-Bus Buckeyes

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where would you call HOME

I have been to many places, seen so many faces, but nothing comes close to being home. Where do I consider as home? Lets see, I was born in Bombay, India. Then moved around India from North to South. My family then decided to moved to the United States. We moved to Los Angeles, CA where I did my high school and college. I was just about to call it home, when work came knocking and made me move to Columbus, Ohio. I've been here for the past two years and in my mind I constantly question myself, as far as where do I consider as home, LA or Columbus. If you had a choice between LA or Columbus, where would you choose to live and call home??

In Poetics of Space, Gaston Bachelard has examined metaphysical conceptions of home, claming it to be "one of the greatest powers of integration for the thoughts, memories and dreams of mankind". It thus plays a crucial role in the ordering of a coherent subjectivity: "without it, man would be a dispersed being".